Slammer Tour
The Slammer Tour originated in the Ottawa-Gatineau region (Ontario, Canada) and is a match-play golf league for public golfers of all calibres, from beginners to pros, as long as they want to improve their game, learn the rules and compete with others of their own skill level in a fun and positive way.
Getting a game is a snap!
The Tour has a constantly-updated schedule of events and all you have to do is pick when and where you want to play and sign up. It's that easy! Tee times are set up by the Slammer Tour at a variety of courses and matches are organized automatically, based on who is in the event, their registration time, their current rank and who they want to challenge. Sign up right now: you'll love it!
Your first year membership and your first Tour event is free
First-year membership on the Tour is free and the fees for subsequent years are minimal. You just pay an event fee whenever you play. The only other cost you might incur is if you lose a match to a fellow Slammer. But don't think negatively: you might win your $5 matches and every Slammer has a chance to take home one of four (sometimes more) lucrative par-three QuickSnap Doggies. Doggies are the Tour's optional closest-to-the-pin contest with a twist. To find out how, you'll have to join!
Contact if you have any questions.